Thursday, July 25, 2013

White Mule Tavern

This odd 1968 photo of a westbound Colfax station wagon features the old White Mule Tavern at the corner of Elati St. (once directly across from the Rocky Mountain News), and the A & K Auto Works, which had probably been at this location of 510 W. Colfax since the time motoring became popular. (Courtesy: Retro Denver Metro)


  1. Remember it well. It was the watering hole of the old Metro campus (home of the original Roadrunners)

    1. I taught at Metro in the late 1960s -- office in the Zook Building. A beer and burrito at the Mule was part of a normal day.

  2. A & K was started in early 1900s with George Anema and Klaversma. Owned by George and 4 sons and a grandson over the years. Robin Masselink(George Juniors daughter)

  3. I went to Metropolitan State College, now University, 1970-1974. Afternoon beer was a regular at the White Mule. Good memories.

  4. Terry Yudovitz PrebleJuly 9, 2022 at 10:33 AM

    I worked there for 5 years. 1970-75. It was like going to a party every day. Best job I ever had.

  5. That place got a lot of my GI Bill money when I was going to Metro.
