Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Miss Colfax May 2013 - Vanessa Heart

Photo by Jonny Barber
Photo by Jonny Barber
Photo by Jonny Barber
Photo by Jonny Barber
Photo by Jonny Barber
Photo by Jonny Barber
You guessed it, photo by Jonny Barber
Photo by Jonny Barber
Photo by Jonny Barber
Photo by Jonny Barber
Photo by Jonny Barber
Photo by Jonny Barber
    The incomparable Vanessa Heart won the title of Miss Colfax for May 2013. Coincidentally, the Weiner Mobile was in town, parked on Colfax no less, at the Park House Tavern. Proved to be the perfect location for the shoot, in our humble opinion!


  1. Very attractive.

  2. She's adorable, I love her outfit! Where is Park House and are the neon photos still there to view?

  3. Park House Tavern is on the corner of Colfax and Madison St. Glad you like the photos!

  4. Vanessa is absolutely gorgeous - I would pamper every square inch of her.
