Friday, April 20, 2012

Jim Havey - Centennial Statehouse

Centennial Statehouse: Colorado’s Greatest Treasure is a new Telly Award-winning film from Havey Productions that tells the story of the Colorado State Capitol – The people who built the building, the building that built the state.

“Our State Capitol is an iconic symbol reflecting the past, present and future of all Coloradans,” Director Jim Havey said. “This film takes you behind the scenes and tells the stories of the people who built and have worked in this magnificent building. It is a story that inspires a deep appreciation for Colorado’s history, from the turbulent territorial era and the protracted process of constructing a Capitol building, to the Capitol’s distinctive adornments utilizing glass, marble, bronze, textile and pigment to form unique portraits of the people and events that influenced the state’s development.”

Jim Havey grew up on Chicago's "South Side," eventually surviving 16 years of Catholic education with a degree in Political Science and Sociology from St. Ambrose College in Davenport, IA. Continuing west to Denver, Jim worked with troubled youth for seven years while developing a passion for photography and multi-image production into a new career with Havey Productions starting in 1979. Jim's territory includes photography/cinematography, project development & management, script development ...and dish washing.

Favorite f-stop: 2.8 ...because the more you can let go that which does not matter, the more vividly that which does snaps into view.

It is now available on DVD!  View the trailer below and get your copy here.


Jim Havey also produced the documentary “Colfax Avenue: Main Street Colorado”. From “As both neighborhood Main Street and transcontinental highway, Colfax Avenue provides a telling reflection of the people and events that shaped metropolitan Denver. Along the banks of this concrete river, the link between history and destiny can be discovered.”

We caught up with Jim at the premiere of "Centennial Statehouse" at the Mayan Theater on April 19, 2012, and he had this to say about Colfax Avenue:

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