Saturday, August 13, 2016

New Sidewalk Project First of Its' Kind in Denver

“Connecting the Community with Art” 

The East Montclair/East Colfax Neighborhood has received funds from the Denver Arts & Venues, “P.S. You Are Here Campaign", along with private donations to install a sidewalk mural on East Colfax Avenue. The design for the project was created by local artist, Nik Arnoldi and encompasses the history and diversity of the East Colfax Neighborhood. Team members worked with local school students, Denver’s refugee community and other stakeholders to create symbolism that expresses East Colfax Avenue, and its history by "Connecting the Community with Art”. The mural features the iconic HWY US 40 sign, the flags of both the City of Denver and the State of Colorado, along with a Columbine flower. The design also incorporates elements of flags from several countries belonging to refugee populations within the neighborhood. 

The East Montclair Neighborhood Association will be installing the project. Media is welcome to visit the mural site to view installation of the project and learn more about the design process and creation on August 13, 2016, and August 14, 2016 from 9:00AM to 2:00 PM (MST).

Community members and volunteers can assist with completion of the project. The best day for media coverage will be on Sunday, August 14, 2016 when a large majority of the project will be installed. The project will be installed at 7400 East Colfax Avenue at Quince Street on the South side of Colfax.

For More Information Contact: Tom Fesing, President East Montclair Neighborhood Association 303-591-2886 /


  1. This was made (Idea wise) by my BROTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The real thing is pretty cool
