Monday, July 1, 2013

SlutWalk Denver 2013

SlutWalk Denver aims to to provide a safe space for survivors and allies to come together to voice their collective anger, share stories, build a community, and become empowered to continue to change the conversation around sexual assault (locally and globally) from blaming and shaming victims to holding assaulters accountable.
SlutWalk Denver welcomes everyone of all genders, races, classes and backgrounds. If we are failing to be inclusive, please let us know how to be more inclusive.

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! SlutWalk Denver 2013 has been changed to July 6th at 12pm, Civic Center Park! Mark your calendars and tell your friends!


  1. Slutwalk 2013 exposes children, not truth.
    My newly 9 year old son was exposed to topless Slutwalk demonstrators downtown on Saturday, while his grandparents were trying to find a ChikFilA after going to the Aquarium. These women raped my son's eyes. Anti-rape is something this mother can always get behind, but I am so livid for the way they are trying to get attention, rather than voicing their powerful minds.
