Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Denver Art Collective "Misassembly" Assembles This Friday At Tooey's Off Colfax!


Denver, CO - The local art scene continue to thrive with visual artists Karl Christian Krumpholz, Daniel Crosier, Gerhard Kaaihue, Zak Kinsella, Kenn Penn, Jake Roth, Michael Scott, Jay James McFarland, Lonnie Allen and Scorpio Steel showcasing new fine art prints!  Come out for creative dialog and good tidings, starting at 6pm to 10pm, at Tooey's On Colfax, 1521 Marion, Denver, CO 80218.

For more information on Misassembly visit www.facebook.com/Misassembly

Monday, March 30, 2015

The Man Behind Washington Park’s Eugene Field House Library

By In Community Happenings

If you’re familiar with the Washington Park neighborhood, chances are you know about or have been to the Eugene Field Branch of the Denver Public Library. But what you may not know is who Eugene Field was and why the branch was named for him.

Eugene Field was a reporter for the Denver Tribune in the late 1800’s and became famous for his collection of children’s poems you may have read as a child, or have read to your own children. Field became a bit of a local legend thanks to his poetry and resided in a small cottage on West Colfax from 1881-1883.

Long after Field left the Denver area, Molly Brown bought his condemned house and donated it to city as a historic landmark. The house was then moved off Colfax Avenue and brought to the east side of Washington Park where it was restored and designated as the Eugene Field Branch of the Denver Public Library.
In front of the house, Mabel Landrum Torrey created a statue memorializing his most famous poem, Wynken, Blynken, and Nod – a childhood favorite of ours!

The original Field house is now home to the Park People after the library was relocated to a newer building at University Blvd. and Exposition St. in 1970. The name, however, remains the same and the residents of Washington Park still benefit from having a branch of the public library right in their own backyards.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

God's Son Lay Down by Michael Adams

God’s Son Lay Down

God’s son walked down the street, His son
walked down East Colfax Ave. on a Jan. morning,
1AM, in the snow, torn sneakers and an alto sax and nowhere
to rest his head, nowhere except
in the lap of an old junkie whore,
and God’s son lay down his dark head there,
Lay down his head on the altar of flesh
weary of preaching love,
offering his music of love.
But no one hears –
that we are all each other,
and all one, and each
of us is holy
and the earth is holy,
this old battered boot-worn holy earth.
But no one hears and so God’s son
lay down his head again to die
and be reborn with the new day, reborn to preach
his only commandment,
To love that old bum, that old drunk vet,
that old woman smelling of vomit
and despair who once was
someone’s daughter,
and someone’s daughter on the street now –
15 years old and run-away, pregnant punching bag
with needle nightmares,
His son lay down his head because no one
wanted to hear about love, only
about vengeance and sin,
And God’s son lay down his weary head
with it’s undying burden of sorrow,
which is no more or less than joy offered
and not taken, lay down
his weary head in a back alley in the snow
in the lap of an old whore
and blew softly, softly
to his Father, the prayer
of his music.
Michael Adams copyright © 2011

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Schuyler Colfax - The Porchlights

An original song by The Porchlights. A song about Schuyler Colfax, one time vice president, who died from the bitter cold in Mankato, Minnesota on January 13, 1885.
On January 13, 1885, a wandering traveler made a mid-morning stop in Mankato, Minnesota, in order to change trains. It was sharply cold in Mankato—30 degrees below zero—but this wanderer, undeterred, took to the walkways to make the three-quarter mile jaunt between Front Street and Omaha Line train stations. Upon reaching Omaha Line depot, our man consulted a map upon the wall, used the men’s room, and—in the final seconds of his 61-year-old life—returned to a waiting area where he took a seat. Presently, he collapsed, his heart the blame. Folks attending to the fallen man knew not his identity until someone went into his pockets. They found there his name, and this new knowledge threw the procession of events into new light. This wandering traveler’s name was Schuyler Colfax, and from 1869–73 he had served as Vice-President of the United States of America.

Colfax had been on his way from Chicago to Rock Rapids, Iowa, where he was to give a public lecture. Since retiring from public service after having his name muddied in a stock scandal, Colfax had made his living giving speeches and lectures. The general public was more than eager to hear this man who hailed from Indiana and was nicknamed “Smiler” Colfax expound upon his Civil Wartime relationship with President Abraham Lincoln. In fact, Republican Party member Colfax knew Lincoln well and presided over the passage of the 13th Amendment as Speaker of the House of Representatives. Lincoln had invited Colfax to Ford’s Theatre to watch the April 14, 1865, rendering of the play Our American Cousin, but Colfax declined. After Lincoln was shot at Ford’s Theater, Colfax spent the last hours of the President’s life bedside in the room where Lincoln died. Colfax’s own death twenty years later in Mankato was less violent, but no less bizarre, in some respects, and no less premature. (Mankato Free Press)

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Lost on Colfax Avenue

Lost on Colfax Avenue
By John Calderazzo

Walking to the Tattered Cover bookstore past the lacy battlements of Denver East High and Pete's Greek restaurant, I hear a faint scrabbling of plastic on concrete. Not far down an empty side street I see a shaggy figure in an army surplus jacket waving a blind man's stick and turning uncertainly in the corner made by a locked warehouse and gray retaining wall. He takes a half step this way, then that, a green beetle trapped in a shoebox, one antenna gone.

He stops, letting his cane rest on the cracked sidewalk. I almost call out, then remind myself to give him time to work back through the bent geometry of his memory. Once, in a mangrove swamp in Florida, I lost myself in the late afternoon, paddling in circles in a canoe, snail-encrusted roots curving everywhere out of water, living walls too high to see over and too delicate to climb, threatening to crumble like branch coral under my weight. Ten thousand mirror-image islands darkened as the sky turned orange, then faded while mosquitoes closed in.

I willed myself to stop paddling. Then gravity began to show me the way, a ghost current I calmed myself enough to feel, following my breath out of myself, letting the flow tug me, finally, into the Nirvana of open water, where the line between silver sea and silver sky had disappeared. Like easeful death, I thought, not a place, but a state of mind I might float into the way this blind man cornered by concrete and his daily life might soon arrive at a calm center, as he stands in a garden waiting for flowers to break open, their fragrance laying a path of stones in whatever direction he needs to go. But now he waves the cane and turns again, and though I haven't moved or made a sound, he stops and faces me. He crooks an arm, lifts it, waits.
  John Calderazzo's stories, essays and poems have appeared in dozens of magazines and literary reviews, including Audubon, Bellevue Literary Review, Georgia Review, North American Review, Orion, The Runner, Witness, and elsewhere. His books include an over-the-shoulder nonfiction writing guide, Writing from Scratch: Freelancing; a children's science book, 101 Questions about Volcanoes; and Rising Fire: Volcanoes and Our Inner Lives, a personal travelogue which looks at ways in which volcanoes around the world have affected human culture. A former fulltime freelance writer and now an award-winning creative writing teacher at Colorado State University, he has had his work cited in both Best American Essays and Best American Stories. He’s presently working on a book of poems.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

girl in room five fifteen

the girl in room five fifteen
the royal roach motel
sitting with her box of crackers
in the setting sun
most of the time shes focused on the path
to the next drama free dream
but tonight shes putting on that red dress
and fixing up a confused face to put on
and picking up the keys to the kingdom
she strolls out the door
and up on  the avenue
shes a smile to those she endears
shes a shadow to those who don't
remember the first lesson of the road
you cant succeed till you have utterly failed
so i play her a soft song cause i know it must hurt
to be on that bitter betrayal with no way home
she toils into the night hunched over the table
to create a boxer to fight her demons for her
she makes him out of cardboard
and pictures pasted from magazines
but she is quick to judge
and kicks him out before he can say a word
so he sits quietly at the greyhound station
and crumbles slowly into his pretend memories
the girl in fife fifteen
royal roach motel
up on colorado boulevard
eating her crackers in the setting sun
waiting for her prince to rescue her
but he caught a train
and now he's in the california mountains
trying to be a better hippy
she knows she has nothing left but
the crackers
and the setting sun
i think thats a terrible way to live
but im not the one looking for perfection
in the baubles from the gutters
of colfax avenue
so glad left all that misery behind
goodnight my spanish bride of the winter
fare thee well
hope you find your kingdom

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Replacements, Back by Unpopular Demand


Fillmore Auditorium
April 19
Showtime 8:00 pm / Doors 7:00 pm

The Replacements walked away from each other in Chicago’s Grant Park on July 4, 1991, seemingly never to return to the stage together again. That all changed in late 2013 when singer, guitarist and principal songwriter Paul Westerberg and bassist Tommy Stinson enthusiastically reunited (with drummer Josh Freese and guitarist David Minehan in tow) for nearly 100,000 fans over three Riot Fests in Toronto, Chicago and Denver.

The reunion received rave reviews from fans and press alike and the guys actually enjoyed themselves. Thus, the band continued its victory lap into 2014 by playing headline slots at festivals such as Coachella, Shaky Knees, Forecastle and Bumbershoot. Despite being banned for life from Saturday Night Live in 1986, the band partook in a well-received and unexpected return to 30 Rock when Jimmy Fallon invited them to The Tonight Show. The stage was then set for a big homecoming show at Midway Stadium in St. Paul, MN on September 13, which sold out of all 14,000 tickets in less than 15 minutes. The following week they played for 12,000 rowdy New Yorkers at Forest Hills Stadium in Queens, and the next logical step is now being taken - the step on to a tour bus for the BACK BY UNPOPULAR DEMAND TOUR 2015.

That’s right, The ‘Mats are eschewing festival stages for the more intimate vibes of clubs and theaters throughout the United States.  The only sure thing you can expect is that the band will show up, plug in and turn it up.  Following the U.S. dates, the band hops over the Atlantic to headline Spain’s Primavera Sound festival, as well as club dates in London and Amsterdam.

This show is produced by Live Nation in association with Soda Jerk Presents.

TICKETS GO ON SALE NOW! at the Fillmore Auditorium Box Office, online at www.ticketmaster.com or call 800 – 745 – 3000.

Tickets are $47.50 GA ADV and $50.00 GA DOS plus applicable service charges.  
For Private Box seating and other VIP ticket option information, call (303) 837-1024. 

The Fillmore box office is open Monday - Friday from 12:00 Noon - 6:00pm & Saturdays from 10:00am - 2:00pm.  On days of Fillmore shows, the box office is open from 12:00 Noon – 9:00pm.  The box office accepts cash, MasterCard, Visa and American Express – No checks!  Service charges may apply.   



Tour Contact:
Ken Weinstein/Big Hassle – Weinstein@BigHassle.com

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Architect Richard Crowther's rendering of the Pig'n Whistle

Eddie Bohn's Pig'n Whistle sketch by architect Richard Crowther (the guy who created all the great neon signs out at Lakeside Amusement Park). Crowther was doing a lot of work in Denver starting in the late 40s or early 50s, and much of it, like his work at Lakeside, entailed redesigning existing structures (he was also responsible for the current design of the Esquire Theater on 6th Ave). It's unclear what this Pig'n Whistle sketch was used for, but one possibility is that Eddie Bohn was considering a modernization of his property at some point and solicited Crowther for a rendering (photo courtesy of the Denver Public Library Western History Collection and Save the Signs).

Friday, March 20, 2015

Save the Signs: Trailer World

The folks at Trailer World on East Colfax were out cleaning up their sign over the weekend. They said they'd like to return it to it's original mid-century look, but they can't find any photos of the sign from back then. A quick check of Denver's sign records shows that it was repainted in 1981. So if anyone has any pre-1981 photos of the Trailer World sign, please contact the owners or visit Save the Sign on Colfax's Facebook page.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Monterey Motel

The Monterey Motel, formerly at 9988 W. Colfax. This location is now the Starbucks at Colfax & Kipling.

If anyone has photos or further information about the Monterey Motel, please contact us: colfaxavenuemuseum@gmail.com. Thanks!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Colfax - It's Not Just for Hookers Any Longer...

by Anita Taylor - I took this picture (go go gadget Iphone!) last Thursday while traveling down Colfax Avenue here in Denver. It cracked me up... Family Cigarettes... ha, ok maybe it's funny to only me - I digress.... Anyway:In my recent past, I lived a few years in a part of downtown Denver called "uptown" (get it?) Location wise I was 4 blocks north of Colfax Avenue on 19th street. I was so excited to move into downtown, albeit a little wary because I was so close to Colfax Avenue.

After moving to Colorado from California, I grew up some 40 ish miles north of this "Colfax" and yet its tales made their way to many an area. It was seedy, and dirty, full of run down hotels and motels, prostitution ran rampant, and drugs were sold from every corner. People were mugged some shot – you NEVER walked along Colfax for any distance! For this teenager it was a BAD and SCARY place. (and I grew up in SoCal!) The few times I ever happened to drive the “fax” the stories I heard played easily into what I was seeing and I’m sure I perpetuated the saga.

Fast forward 15 or so years and I start looking into downtown living. I wanted to be closer to work, I was young(ish) and single, and it was hip and cool! I took a drive of the area and to my unreasonable surprise, it dawns on me how close Colfax is to all this downtown living. Now I knew it was there, hell I had worked in downtown for 10 years – but you drive in, you drive out, you don’t even pay attention. When I found a place to live that I HAD TO HAVE, I drove the Colfax strip, first east, then back west and was amazed and excited by what I saw. It was a funky eclectic mix of redevelopment, old classics, and yes even a bit off the seed was still there - it was awesome. There was WaxTrax (oh memories!), and fabo restaurants, classic music venues, Argonaut liquors!, PETE'S kitchen oh yum!, shop after shop… funny, they were all there but when I had gone to them I was oblivious to all the relation around me. Even South Park wrote in a piece of the Colfax action.

Want to know more?  Here is a great site all about Colfax history!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day from Twin Peaks!

MARCH MADNESS brackets, 29 degree GREEN beer, and of course our sexy Twin Peaks girls in green! All day for St. Patrick's Day!!

Monday, March 16, 2015

40West's Bill Marino honored with Leadership Award

Bill Marino and 40W bring home gold for Lakewood at Colorado Business Committee for the Arts (CBCA)'s signature event of 700 people! Bill Marino, chairman of 40W was honored with the John Madden, Jr. Leadership Award from CBCA for spearheading the creation and development of the Lakewood–West Colfax creative corridor. This is an incredible accomplishment for 40 West Arts and the City of Lakewood, we look forward to what is on the horizon! Learn more here: http://ow.ly/Kjfv8

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Inside the REAL Casa Bonita from South Park

One of the most beloved episodes of South Park involves Cartman kidnapping his classmate Butters in order to nab his spot at a birthday party taking place at a Mexican restaurant called Casa Bonita. The restaurant in question has a haunted cave, mariachi bands, sopapillas, and cliff divers, you may think that it would only exist in a cartoon.

But don't be fooled: Casa Bonita is a real restaurant in Denver, Colorado, and all of the aspects of the restaurant included in that episode are real. (They actually left a lot of stuff out.) We enlisted the help of Mike Mason, the general manager who has worked there for nearly 40 years, to give us a tour of the 52,000-square-foot restaurant and fill us in on its long history. By the end of our visit, you'll understand why the place is known as "The Most Exciting Restaurant in the World."

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Park Hill St. Patrick's Day Bash Tonight at Abbey Tavern

It's that time of year and we are ready to throw a party at the pub!!

We have a ton of stuff planned for the big day and we are opening early and serving breakfast.

We have 8 hours of live music beginning at 2pm on our outdoor stage featuring pipers, dancers and Celtic folk and rock. From 12pm until 5pm we will have complimentary bouncing castle and face painter for the kids.

We will have fun giveaways all weekend and we will be featuring an Irish food menu and Irish beers on tap. Avoid the downtown madness and come enjoy the best neighborhood party on Colfax.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Colorado Avalanche: Jokes on the Minnesota Wild

A delivery driver in Denver, Colorado, liked to scare rival fans with his delivery truck — there are an awful lot of them, you see. Usually his pranks were innocuous. If he saw a fan in a St. Louis Blues jersey crossing the street, he’d give a loud honk to make the fan jump. For Chicago Blackhawks fans, he threw the occasional Slurpee — he’d spent more than he’d like to admit on that commodity. However, he saved his best for Minnesota Wild fans.

Whenever the driver saw a hapless person in Minnie green — or even worse, Minnie red and green — walking on the sidewalk, he’d swerve over as if to hit him. He’d swerve back onto the road, though, after just missing him.

One day, he saw a man in a priest’s collar walking down Colfax Avenue. Thinking he’d do a good deed, the driver stopped and asked the priest if he needed a ride.

“Thank you, yes,” the priest agreed. “I’m on my way to the Denver Mission.”

The pair rode in silence for awhile — long enough that the man sort of forgot the priest was with him. As he rounded the corner of a busy street, he saw a chubby fellow in a red and green Minnie jersey. It was like red before a bull, and he swerved sharply to scare the fan. He knew he had missed the fan, but as he swerved back onto the road, he heard a thud. He looked in his mirrors, but didn’t see anything.
He remembered the priest. “Sorry, Father,” he apologized. “I almost hit that Minnesota Wild fan.”

“That’s OK,” the priest assured him. “I got him with the door.”

(courtesy: Fansided)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Golden Music Opens New FLAGSHIP Location on West Colfax

In a classic 1960s, mid-century building on West Colfax, Golden Music is opening its new flagship location! Less than a mile west of 40 West Arts District, the new music center has three exciting Grand Opening events in March starting on

Wednesday, March 11th with the official ribbon-cutting ceremony officiated by Mayor Bob  Murphy. Come join the fun and celebrate with cocktails, hors d'oeuvres, and door prizes from 5pm-7:30pm.   

On Wednesday, March 18th activities continue between 4pm-8:30pm, and include beer, wine and tacos and culminate with a free public performance by the renowned Jesus Florido on electric strings. The final event in March is Sunday, March 22nd showcasing the musical strings of D'Addario with a bowed strings workshop beginning at 2:00pm and a public concert from 4:30pm-6pm. All workshop participants will receive a free set of strings.

Stop by this historic building and new Flagship location at 10395 W. Colfax for one or all of these music-filled events and welcome Golden Music, new members of WCCA and 40 West Arts, to our neighborhood. And stay tuned . . . more musical events coming in April!  Click here to download the flyer showcasing these three great events.        

Monday, March 9, 2015

Save the Signs: Shepherds Motel

Photo by Diane Calvallary Flores

The Shepherds Motel, at East Colfax and Valentia Street, is still operating under the same name and the giant arrow still graces the roof line. I even noticed the other night that one lonely light bulb on the arrow still works. (Courtesy Save the Signs)

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Legacy Of The Red Baron Lives On In Denver

The castle built by the Red Baron's uncle, located a few blocks southwest of Colfax and Quebec.

Baron Walter von Richtofen, uncle and godfather of the Red Baron, came to Denver in about 1877. He purchased 320 acres on the praire east of town and built Montclair Castle. (7012 E. 12 Ave. now) This property is reportedly one of the most haunted homes in Denver and has been featured in several ghost hunting series. (Courtesy Old Denver and the West)

Friday, March 6, 2015

The Lucky Few Tonight at the Lakewood Grill!

TONIGHT, Friday, March 6th, The LUCKY FEW will be Jumpin', Jivin' and Rockin' it up on the West-side of town at the Lakewood Grill on West Colfax! We'll start up at 9pm and go ALL NITE LONG! Good Food, Great Fun, plenty o' room to dance, and there's NO COVER CHARGE! Hope to see ya! TLF


Thursday, March 5, 2015

Born Into Poverty: 1,400 Each Year

Data source: CDPHE vital statistics, 2007 to 2010.
By Jordan Wirfs-Brock, The Piton Foundation

In East Colfax and Original Aurora, six out of 10 babies are born to families making less than $15,000. This is the highest rate of newborn poverty in the Children's Corridor. In some tracts in Original Aurora, the rate is close to 70%.

East Colfax and Original Aurora also has more births than any Corridor hub. From 2007 to 2010, almost a third of Corridor births were in East Colfax and Original Aurora.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Colfax Speed Queen, Lions Lair, Denver Jan 23, 2015

Colfax Speed Queen kicked off a fun night in the lion's den. Probably even had Moe smiling.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Rocky Mountain Roller Girls Fillmore Auditorium Season Opener

(As always, this poster was created by the amazing Jay Vollmar at Skate Ink!)

Join us at the Fillmore Auditorium on Friday, March 6 as we kick off another season of action at the most spectacular roller derby venue in the state! This year, our home teams will not only be playing each other, but they will also be taking on the home teams from our cross-town rivals, the Denver Roller Dolls. You won’t want to miss a minute of the action!

6:00 - Sugar Kill Gang vs. Dooms Daisies

8:00 - United States Pummeling Service vs. DRD’s Bad Apples

Doors open at 5:00

Monday, March 2, 2015

Then and Now: Colfax, U.S. Mint & Capitol Building

Colfax, U.S. Mint & Capitol Building, circa-1910

Colfax, U.S. Mint and Capitol Building a few years later, trees have now filled in quite a bit. Still no City & County Building.
Colfax Avenue, U.S. Mint and Capitol Building in the early-'70s. The building with the yellow aluminum panels is the Miesian Professional and Business Man's Insurance Building, designed 1957-58 by Fisher & Fisher & Davis. (courtesy The Denver Eye)

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Denver History Tours with Phil Goodstein - 2015 Schedule

To reserve a spot on a tour or have questions answered, please call Phil Goodstein 
at (303) 333-1095.

Saturday, March 14: West Quality Hill, 11:00 am–1:00 pm
Meet the Zang Mansion, 709 Clarkson Street.  The cost is $10.00.  A copy of this schedule and 
information about Goodstein’s books is at LeonardLeonard.com/neighborhoods/walkingtours.

Sunday, March 15: Ghosts of Cheesman Park, 11:00 am–1:00 pm
Meet at the gazebo near the equivalent of 12th Avenue and Gilpin Street.  It is directly south of the 
RTD bus stop on the 12th Avenue loop in the park.  Gilpin Street is the 1700 east block.  Park in the 
park, east bound, on the 12th Avenue loop to the east of the RTD stop.  The cost is $10. 

Saturday, March 21: South of the Country Club, 11:00 am–1:00 pm
Meet in front of Steele School on the east side of the South Marion Street Parkway between Alameda 
Avenue and Dakota Avenue.  (Marion Street is one block east of Downing Street.)  The cost is $10.00

Saturday, March 28: Sloans Lake/West Colfax, 11:00 am–1:00 pm
Meet at the steps of Lake Junior High School at West 19th Avenue and Meade Street.  (Meade Street 
does not cut directly through between West Colfax Avenue and West 19th Avenue.  Take West Colfax 
to Lowell Boulevard, the road six blocks west of Federal Boulevard, go north till it dead ends at West 
18th Avenue and go one block west to Meade Street.)  The cost is $10.

Saturday, April 4: Civic Center/Golden Triangle, 11:00 am–1:00 pm
Gather by the sculpture of the cows on the north side of Acoma Street at West 12th Avenue directly 
sought of the Art Museum.  (Acoma Street is one block west of Broadway.).  The tour is $10.00.

Sunday, April 12: North Capitol Hill, 11:00 am–1:00 pm
Meet at the Castle Marne, 1572 Race Street.  (Race is 20 blocks east of Broadway and three blocks 
west of York Street.  This is the stone bed and breakfast at the corner of 16th Avenue.)  The cost is 

Sunday, April 19: Park Hill, 11:00 am–1:00 pm
Meet at the gazebo in Ferguson Park at the southeast corner of 23rd Avenue and Dexter Street.   
(Dexter Street is seven blocks east of Colorado Boulevard.)  The cost is $10.00.

Sunday, April 26: West Denver/Auraria, 11:00 am–1:00 pm
Meet in front of Greenlee School on the east side of Lipan Street between 11th and 12th avenues.   
(Lipan is two blocks west of Santa Fe Drive.)  The cost is $10.

Saturday, May 2: Ghosts of Cheesman Park, 11:00 am–1:00 pm
Meet at the gazebo near the equivalent of 12th Avenue and Gilpin Street.  The cost is $10.

Saturday, May 9: Ghost Walk, 7:00 pm–9:00 pm
Meet at the statute of the Indian on the east lawn of the Capitol along Grant Street between Colfax 
and 14th avenues.  The cost is $20.00.

Saturday, May 16: Bicycling Tour of the West Side, 11:00 am–1:00 pm
Meet in front of West High School, 951 Elati Street.  This is the commanding structure west of 
Speer Boulevard between Ninth and Eleventh avenues.  (Elati Street is five blocks west of Broadway.   
It is one-way southbound in front of West.  The easiest way to get there is to take West 11th Avenue 
to the road.)  The tour is $10.00.

Saturday, May 23: San Rafael/Five Points, 11:00 am–1:00 pm
Meet in front of Whittier School, southeast corner of 25th Avenue and Downing Street.  The cost is 

Sunday, May 31: Bicycling Tour of Belcaro, 11:00 am–1:00 pm
Meet in front of Knight School, Exposition Avenue and South Steele Street.  (Exposition Avenue is 
four blocks south of Alameda; Steele Street is eight blocks west of Colorado Boulevard and eight 
blocks east of University Boulevard.  Steele Street does not cut through to the south of Exposition 
Avenue.)  The cost is $10.00.

Wednesday, June 3: Capitol Hill, 6:30 pm–8:30 pm
Meet at the Capitol Hill Mansion, 1207 Pennsylvania Street.  (Pennsylvania Street is five blocks east 
of Broadway.  The cost is $10.00

Wednesday, June 10: Central/South Denver, 6:30 pm–8:30 pm
Meet in front of Byers Junior High School, 150 South Pearl Street—Pearl Street is six blocks east 
of Broadway.  The school is a block and a half north of Alameda Avenue.  The cost is $10.00.

Saturday, June 13: Ghost Walk, 7:00 pm–9:00 pm
Meet at the statute of the Indian on the east lawn of the Capitol along Grant Street between Colfax and 
14th avenues.  The cost is $20.00.

Wednesday, June 17: Berkeley, 6:30 pm–8:30 pm
Meet in front of the Smiley Library at West 46th Avenue and Utica Street in Berkeley Park. 
(Utica Street is one block west of Tennyson Street and seven blocks east of Sheridan Boulevard.)  The cost is $10.00.

Wednesday, June 24: The Ruins of University Hospital, 6:30 pm–8:30 pm
Meet to the west of the tennis courts in Lindsely Park at 12th Avenue and Cherry Street.   
(Cherry is six blocks east of Colorado Boulevard.  It does not cut through between 12th Avenue and 
Hale Parkway.  The easiest way to get there is to take Cherry south from Colfax.)  The cost is $10.00.

Sunday, June 21: Bicycling Tour of Park Hill, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm
Meet in front of the Park Hill School, along 19th Avenue between Elm and Fairfax streets.   
The cost is $10.00.

Saturday, June 27: The Seamy Side of Denver, 5:00 pm–7:15 pm
Meet by the benches near 21st and Blake streets, right by the First Base entrance to Coors Field.   
The cost is $20.00.

Thursday, July 2: Park Club Place, 6:30 pm–8:30 pm
Meet at the real estate office of Leonard Leonard & Associates, 420 Downing Street, 303/744–6200.   
The cost is $10.00.

Thursday, July 9: Hilltop, 6:30 pm–8:30 pm
Meet at the sundial in Cranmer Park near the equivalent of Second Avenue and Cherry Street.   
Enter the park at either First Avenue or Third Avenue at Clermont Street.  There is a deck in the center 
of the park topped by a huge sundial.  (Clermont is five blocks east of Colorado Boulevard.)   
The cost is $10.00.

Thursday, July 16: Jefferson Park, 6:30 pm–8:30 pm
Meet at the benches near the southeast corner of West 23rd Avenue and Eliot Street in Jefferson Park 
proper.  (Eliot Street is one block east of Federal Boulevard.)  The cost is $10.00.

Thursday, July 23: West Washington Park, 6:30 pm–8:30 pm
Meet in front of the Washington Street Community Center at the southwest corner of Washington Street 
and Ohio Avenue.  (Washington Street is seven blocks east of Broadway; Ohio Avenue is five blocks 
south of Alameda Avenue.)  The cost is $10.00.

Saturday, July 25: Ghost Walk, 7:00 pm–9:00 pm
Meet at the statute of the Indian on the east lawn of the Capitol along Grant Street between Colfax and 
14th avenues.  The cost is $20.00.

Saturday, August 1: The Seamy Side of Denver, 5:00 pm–7:15 pm
Meet by the benches near 21st and Blake streets, right by the First Base entrance to Coors Field.   
The cost is $20.00.

Tuesday, August 4: Potter Highlands, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm
Meet at the Lumber Baron Inn, the northeast corner of West 37th Avenue and Bryant Street. 
(Bryant is four blocks east of Federal Boulevard.)  The cost is $10.00.

Tuesday, August 11: Harvard Gulch, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm
Meet at the benches at the southeast corner of South Logan Street and Iliff Avenue.   
(Logan Street is four blocks east of Broadway.  Iliff Avenue is two blocks south of Evans Avenue.)   
The cost is $10.00.

Thursday, August 18: Montclair, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm
Meet in front of the Montclair Community Building, 6820 12th Avenue (the southwest corner of 12th 
Ave. and Oneida Street—Oneida Street is four blocks east of Monaco Street Parkway).   
The cost is $10.00.

Saturday, August 22: Ghost Walk, 7:00 pm–9:00 pm
Meet at the statute of the Indian on the east lawn of the Capitol along Grant Street between Colfax and 
14th avenues.  The cost is $20.00.

Thursday, August 25: Country Club/Circle Drive, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm
Meet in front of Bromwell School, Fourth Avenue and Columbine Street.   
(Columbine is one block east of Josephine. Fourth Avenue does not cut through between Josephine 
Street and Columbine Street.  Nor does Columbine cut through to the north of Third Avenue.  
Do not park in the lot between Columbine and Josephine streets.  The cost is $10.00

Saturday, September 12: Ghost Walk, 7:00 pm–9:00 pm
Meet at the statute of the Indian on the east lawn of the Capitol along Grant Street between Colfax and 
14th avenues.  The cost is $20.00.

Sunday, September 20: Ghosts of Cheesman Park, 11:00 am–1:00 pm
Meet at the gazebo near the equivalent of 12th Avenue and Gilpin Street.  The cost is $10.

Sunday, September 27: Mount Olivet Cemetery, 11:00 am–1:00 pm
Meet by the fence across the road from the Madonna Mausoleum.  The main entrance to Mount 
Olivet is west of Youngfield Street on West 44th Avenue.  Go up the hill past the administration building 
to near where there is a big crucifix.  On your left is the Madonna Mausoleum.  (Coming from the east 
take exit 266 on Ward Road from I-70 and go west about a half mile to the cemetery.  Coming from 
the west take exit 265 at Youngfield. and go north about a mile to West 44th Avenue and turn left.   
The cemetery is the first exit on the right.)  The cost is $10.

Sunday, October 4: Crown Hill Cemetery, 11:00 am–1:00 pm
Gather at the parking lot along the main road of the graveyard, just west of the administration building 
along West 29th Avenue about two blocks west of Wadsworth Boulevard.  The cost is $10.00.

Saturday, October 10: Ghosts of Cheesman Park, 11:00 am–1:00 pm
Meet at the gazebo near the equivalent of 12th Avenue and Gilpin Street.  The cost is $10.00.

Saturday, October 17: Ghost Walk, 7:00 pm–9:00 pm
Meet at the statute of the Indian on the east lawn of the Capitol along Grant Street between Colfax and 
14th avenues.  The cost is $20.00.

Friday, October 23: Ghost Walk, 7:00 pm–9:00 pm
Meet at the statute of the Indian on the east lawn of the Capitol along Grant Street between Colfax and 
14th avenues.  The cost is $20.00.

Saturday, October 24: Ghost Walk, 7:00 pm–9:00 pm
Meet at the statute of the Indian on the east lawn of the Capitol along Grant Street between Colfax and 
14th avenues.  The cost is $20.00.

Friday, October 30: Ghost Walk, 7:00 pm–9:00 pm
Meet at the statute of the Indian on the east lawn of the Capitol along Grant Street between Colfax and 
14th avenues.  The cost is $20.00.

Saturday, October 31: Ghost Walk, 7:00 pm–9:00 pm
Meet at the statute of the Indian on the east lawn of the Capitol along Grant Street between Colfax and 
14th avenues.  The cost is $20.00.

To reserve a spot on a tour or have questions answered, please call Phil Goodstein (303) 333-1095.